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Slow opening solenoid valve instruction

May. 10, 2019

Initial Settings:

Max. Flow, No initial Lift, Opening time 15s;

Slow opening solenoid valve instruction

Adjusting instruction:

1 .Take off the black cap (see P1) and you will see 3 knobs (see P2);

2 .“STEP” Initial Lift settings

Range: 0-100% (≤50% is recommended)

Spin right to add initial lift (+); left to lose initial lift (-).

3 .“V” Flow settings:

Range: 0-100% (≥50% is recommended)

Spin (+) to increase flow rate; (-) to reduce flow rate.

When the knob spins down by 1mm, the valve opening will decrease by 1mm. (It’s recommended that it does not exceed 3mm.)

4 .“On Time” Opening time settings:

Range: 0-60s

Spin (+) to increase flow rate; (-) to reduce flow rate.

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